

feelings re-surface
no..., feelings go deeper

it is safe, now, in expression
fully what has all/ways
all ready
being spoken

no longer...need
of the air...to bring...the words back in to the throat to lodge there and harbor resentment
...re-sentiment that 'was' unnecessary and
never true

releasing! all
'back to'
In to
they go... disintegrating into thin air from which they came - invisible
feathers that seemed heavy

just slow-motion ennui...that appeared never-ending
free of boredom
free from containment
"Free at last!"
...lasting without end


Colleen Loehr said...

Love this Doreen...strikes a deep chord in me. Especially what you write about retraction/ of the air...to bring...the words back in to the throat to lodge there and harbor resentment/ ...re-sentiment that 'was' unnecessary and/ never true

I had a chronic sore throat for well over 10 years and only in hindsight recognize that this was largely due to chronic tension and the repression of "unacceptable" feelings.

Reading your poem is very freeing.
Thank you.

:Doreen said...

(-:... I had a chronic cough! :-)
'nice to See You here, Colleen!