
Welcome to Reality!

a sense of 'allowing' this moment to be.... does not pertain to future or hypothetical situations
for the reason that both 'future' and 'hypothetical' situations..... in reality... do not exist

it is TRUE....there is no time

it is TRUE... it is completely possible to live in the now.... why?.... because we are doing it....!!! LOL...
some, are just not aware of it!

so....it is impossible to talk about the 'how' of now.... or 'allowing'...with clarity for the mind.... to the heart it is clear already!

ALLOWING, only occurs in this moment.... everything comes and goes in this space of this moment.... always 'has'... always 'will'.... always NOW (and always NEW) 

seems like a paradox, hey? LOL!

it is just the way Life Is...

The infinite You, is home to stay! 

" The sense of being someone "
shifts to  

a sense of be~ing One