
answering the call

Well, yes and no... as i awaken, i know that it is not so much that i don't have thoughts...it is the recognition, that they are that...just thoughts..this is where the 'problem' lies, when people identify 'who they are' with their thoughts.

We know that when we 'believe in our thoughts' ...this is insane. The thing is, we can't 'fight' thoughts with more thoughts... (with benefit)

Two things come in to play: it is easier to understand that people have insane thoughts when i, myself, see that my own thoughts have been equally insane....

and in this seeing, we know, that the thoughts arise unconsciously...as we awaken we see this, and with this awareness, "the so-called conscious choices" come automatically...
No explanation with words, because, the effect of it is beyond the words...
the words just point...'always have, always will'... awakening Is the recognition of this!...

Paradoxically.. it is simple, yet 'not easy' to come into understanding through the mind. The mind may fear* becoming ineffective as the heart awakens ...
in conjunction,
is truly the way we 'consciously' function.
This is not a 'doing'...it is an 'allowing'..of the two to merge.

 *(the opposite of fear is also at play)(we can say, that for a time 'desire' comes in more strongly, though it is not feared...it leads, equally well as the fear!!)(both fear and desire dissolve in the awakened 'state', a state which is not to be 'feared or desired'...LOL!! hehehehehe!!)(a stateless state)

If you remember the earliest point of yourself as a child, and imagine each step 'forward' from that point...you see, that innocence is never lost... only conditioning comes in to play that obscures our inherent being. The being that is open and full of Love.