
"Possessed by the ego" (a phrase from Eckhart Tolle)

Conflict between people is often a constant state of being. Well, two people have to have egos for this. If only one is still answering to the ego then that entity will experience the continual dis-ease of the "normal madness" that everyone has. Everyone has this defect of living in the past and the future, places that only exist as a mental construct. And EVERYONE has the possibility of "stepping beyond" (Eckhart Tolle) this limited state in to the field of Now.

The way the past 'exists' for You is through your memories in the present moment. And the future is a place we never get to. Just the realization of this is enough. This one realization brings True Peace. Peace in every moment, in every situation. You reside in the ocean, the meadow, the forest, the lake, the sky, the universe, the infinity of Peace itself.