You are not responsible for your "personality". It has served you. Once You See that You are much "more" than "your personality" You will begin to See how We Are All connected. All One (thing) (but It Is not a "thing" It Is Consciousness)
We Are the One Consciousness expressing Life through form. The body is a mask, a theater for a play(improvisational); so when the body dies We go "back" into the Oneness (which We never left, there Is no "going back")
We Are In It Allready.
Ponder, a moment, the depth of this.
Stop trying to change yourself, to "better" yourself, to be something that you are not.
Stop arguing with the Now. Unless you stop the fight, you will never realize the bliss in this field of Now, always in your center, as close as your breath. But you cannot stop it with your mind.
I "want" for You this realization of the depth of who You Are. Although, It Is, (only important that I realize for "my" Expression because I, also See It In You. Your realization of Your essential self is important for You once You recognize It, and thus the rest of "Us")
In that realization is the Ecstasy of Life. Simple Bliss. Simple
You can have it Now. Know that.
The past is a story and the future never comes! So without regret, guilt, and stress (ONLY thoughts about the past and future!!) you have instant peace, ONLY LOVE!
You CANNOT control your thoughts, BUT you can stop the obsessive thought patterns by recognizing your thoughts as JUST thoughts!!!
You can then See that We Are("were") All mad before this realization comes to YOU. But it never comes in the future, it only comes in the NOW
Just ponder the impossibility of becoming someone else
What You Are is exactly as It Is
Your Intuition knows exactly what It Is Being in this field of NOW