
out of the focus

the truth of Our connection
...beyond our sight + senses


the 'chain reaction' that breaks the chain

Love goes beyond feeling...Love is the essence of Life Itself...Love has no opposite
All expressions are In Love
No thoughts help to release us from suffering
As suffering ends in myself, I no longer can be the cause of suffering for other people
( :


this Child of mine

When I was a child I felt feelings deeply
I don't feel that people, in general, understand this
...about children
That, the depth of a child, is equal to Your depth
And that that child that You were....
You still Are, that!!

I carry with me the depth that I am, everywhere....always
....so do You...


"Black" by Aralan

Divine Feminine: Black: "Black I was taught to be afraid of the dark I mean that deep midnight of spooks A people bereft of their soil and shackled to anothers plow ..."

undefining moment


overflowing cup

something that feels like sadness…yet is sweet



Your heart is but a beat in the Great Heart…that completely fills It


Instrument of Peace

"The desire to be an instrument of peace is central to many ways of thinking, in both religious and non-religious outlooks. I wrote and sang this song with my children's chorus "The International Peace Performers" to honor any and all impetus towards being a vehicle for peace. Whether your "Lord" is the inner light of your own awareness or another view on spiritual matters, the intention behind this song is to honor all attempts at being a channel for peace and a bearer of hope in the world today. The Prayer of St. Francis provides the foundation of these lyrics, with additional words added. Cyrille Verdeaux played exquisite piano for this recording, and Paul Beach added chanting and percussion."

~ Frances Key

Rare U2 Pride In The Name Of Love Live 1984

Crystal Clarity

Love Is
who We Are
not what We do
The mind can never know this...
...We cannot become aware through thoughts...
what only the Heart feels

We are Aware of the Greater Intelligence arising on the planet
through Our Hearts
fueled by the truth of Love

unconscious actions can not occur in the space of Love
I now, understand, the U2 song: "Pride (In the Name of Love)"
Bono pleas with us: "What more 'in the name of love' ? "

It is all coming together now...
perfectly clear


Awareness never questions... or imposes Itself on You
In Truth, everyone's Inner Child  heals from the wounds inflicted by unconsciousness through Awareness

Innocence is never lost by you...It is found to You

Innocence is never lost...It waits underneath the bandages
Compassion does not remove scars, it is the balm that dissolves them


one more thing

Is Your moment better than mine?

space barriers

Many people are recognized for being by their paycheck
Even though they are not truly recognized for their beingness
Often the quantity of dollars that one person receives for their 'being'
Is much greater than their neighbor's beingness, or even "their" spouse's
Can we even claim having a separate 'being' ?
Do You own or have a spouse?

Is this changing? I don't wear boots, I cannot pull up my bootstraps
Yes, indeed, I live in the space of now
the art play piles up, and needs to be thrown out [eventually?]
better just to be!


from Amma

Amma with children, taken from Amma.org

"Awakening the Universal Motherhood"

"The essence of motherhood is not restricted to women who have given birth;
It is inherent in both men and women,
{It is an attitude of the mind.}*
It is love, and love is the very breath of life."

I include with this... We are also awakening to the Universal Childhood...

We are both, the essence of mother and child... withIn....
Our In-herent Innocence
